Saint of the Day † (February 28) ✠ St. Hilarius ✠

 † Saint of the Day †

(February 28)

✠ St. Hilarius ✠

46th Pope:

Born: ----

Sardinia, Western Roman Empire

Died: February 29, 468

Rome, The Western Roman Empire

Venerated in: Catholic Church

Feast Day: February 28


Hilarius was born in Sardinia. As archdeacon under Pope Leo I, he fought vigorously for the rights of the Roman See. In 449, he and Julius, Bishop of Puteoli, served as legates to the Second Council of Ephesus and vigorously opposed the condemnation of Flavian of Constantinople, by which he incurred the displeasure of Dioscurus of Alexandria, who presided over the synod. According to a letter to the Empress Pulcheria collected among the letters of Leo I, Hilarius apologized for not delivering to hear the pope's letter after the synod, but owing to Dioscurus of Alexandria, who tried to hinder his going either to Rome or to Constantinople, he had great difficulty in making his escape in order to bring to the pontiff the news of the result of the council.

St. Hilary was pope for seven years in the fifth century and was known for safeguarding Church unity in a time of great disagreement.

He was born in Italy and served as an aide to Pope Leo I, who preceded him as pope and sent him on many official assignments. One of those assignments was to attend a council that was held in Ephesus without official approval. His task was to report on a heresy being discussed there—the denial of Christ’s humanity. This heresy was already condemned by an earlier council, and the followers of this erroneous belief physically attacked Hilary and his delegation. They barely escaped and returned to Rome.

When Pope Leo died, Hilary was elected bishop of Rome. As pope, he did much to strengthen the Church, especially in France and Spain. He was known for defending the rights of bishops while urging them to greater faithfulness and less luxury. He established the pope, not the emperor, as the leader in spiritual matters, rebuilt many churches in Rome, renovated the Lateran Basilica, and constructed a number of convents and libraries. He died on this date in 468, and his image is used here with permission from

St. Hilary, the pope who helped build the Church and fought for unity—pray for us!


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